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Thanks for visiting my web site: I don't know how or why you got here, but it's great that you did!
I am an artist. Ideas are my thing, they are always happening and this website is a place where I share some of that. You can buy jewellery from me here. You can see photos of my paintings and sculptures: some are available...and others not. You can find a link to buy my card designs - doodles and quirky animals mostly. You can contact me about anything at all by emailing [email protected] BIOG: I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1963. I grew up in the Channel Islands and then went to the Central School of Art, London and University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. I moved to West Cornwall in 2002 and made my home in a 200 year old converted Wesleyan Chapel. I now live and have my studio in Devon. "An all-round artist who cannot be categorised - painter, artist, jewellery maker, sculptor, ceramicist - Nancy constantly reinvents herself. Her sculptural jewellery is made by enamelling onto hand cut pieces of silver. Each piece is unique and she never makes two pieces the same. "The paintings and wall pieces are striking and bold. Nancy’s understanding of all kinds of art makes her work refreshing and original." - Sarah Brittain Director of Cornwall Contemporary, Penzance Contact e-mail: [email protected] |